Several weeks ago, I began searching for junk glassware and odds and ends of saucers, small plates, cups, etc., to turn into yard art. I stacked sevaral to cure while we were on this last trip so I could "plant" them as soon as we returned. Frank had started his border for the flower bed and added the mulch yesterday. He'll need to haul some more blocks and fireplace brick from the back yard and buy several bags of mulch to finish the job when he's feeling better. We both have been battling alergies for about a week (something is always blooming in Florida!)

The beautiful spring flowers are from Michael's (I don't have a green thumb!). This has been my solution to having any kind of flowers in my yard and my house.

In a few weeks the real, live day lilies should be blooming again. A former neighbor gave me a set many, many years ago, and I haven't managed to kill them yet! She told me to give them serious neglect and they would florish, and so they have despite killing frosts and robust raking by said husband over the years. I use to have broad leaf aloe and some fern in that flower bed but it all disappeared last fall while we were gone on another trip.