This is a rocking chair my dad picked from someone's trash sometime in the late 1950's, thrown out because it had a broken rocker, so he made a new one, refinished in mahogany, and recovered the seat. After my mom passed away eleven years ago, I took it and it sat in my living room until several years ago when I stripped it intending to refinish it in walnut, retying the springs, etc. Last month, after I repainted the guest room, I found over 1/2 gallon of the previous wall paint (too much to just throw away, tightwad that I am sometimes), so I decided to paint the chair with it. After two coats of white primer, I thought I had a good handle on this project. Turns out that paint was not a good idea as it was too old - it had gotten really thin and didn't cover very well so it took four coats of the stuff and still didn't cover very well so I gave up on that part of the project. I found a piece of heavy cotton fabric on the remnant table that had small dots of that exact color in it. This is also something I will never again try to do!